Yes! You tried to change your imei and it shows this command is not allowed in user Built. on my Previous Article i explain GLO 3G @N1000 now working on Android By Changing your IMEI Don't panic my dear just follow the following steps below: PLEASE NOTE : AT+EGMR=1,7,"IMEI_NUM_HERE" the normal AT command above doesn't work.. it gives an error report like this: "this AT command is not valid for UserBuild" instead of the success report of: "AT COMMAND sent" Why? I found that there must be a space between T and + in the code. so make sure the code is like below and it will definitely work: AT +EGMR=1,7,”IMEI_num_here” (do you see the space now?) all applications and most write-ups online do not include the space! so when you get to that AT page make sure you insert the "space" by yourself... Comment if this article is helpful to you.
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